Sunday, March 16, 2008

Things I will never again take for granted!

Since being pregnant, I have learned to be thankful for simple things. Here are some things I have decided to never take for granted.

1. Being able to COMFORTABLY tie my shoes.

2. Wearing pants......with a zipper.

3. Being able to roll over in bed without waking up my husband, or taking at least 30 seconds to do it.

4. Getting out of the car, without a push from behind.

5. Sleeping 8 hours. In one stretch.

6. Going to the bathroom and feeling relief. For longer than 10 minutes.

7. Going to the store and being able to find clothes that fit, are comfortable and don't cost $34.99 per shirt!!

8. Having a belly button.

9. Not needing thirty extra minutes in the shower if I want to shave my legs.

10. Walking into a room and not having everyone ask me "WHEN are you due????"

Girls, just remember to enjoy these luxuries while you still can!!

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