Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cold,cold snow!

For a long time this winter, I have prayed for snow. I love the way that it looks on the trees and fresh snow fall is so clean. My dog LOVES it and my husband makes our living off of it falling. But the only problem with this year is that I'm big and my coat doesn't fit. I just bought a nice new winter coat at the end of last season, and now it doesn't zip. So in the midst of these single digit temperatures, I'm walking around with my coat wide open. I've gotten quite a few funny looks walking out of work, and scraping off my car with my coat just flapping in the frigid temperatures! I went to try to find one that would fit, but I dont know if it's worth spending $75-$100 on a new coat that I might not ever use again. I guess I'll just suffer through these temps and hope that it at least warms up a bit.

1 comment:

Janna said...

I wore one of Jason's when I couldn't zip mine. Maybe you should take over one of Steve's!