Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My poor baby!

First of all, we had a great trip to Florida! It was sunny and nice each day. I will post more about that when I get some of my mom's pictures. For now, you get to experience my poor baby's sickness. Charlie has hives! If you have never seen hives before, they are really scary! They are patches of reddened and raised skin, and they can cover your entire body! Charlie started getting them when we were at the airport coming home Saturday morning. Well, that is when we noticed them! We changed his clothes and gave him a bath when we got home at noon. They weren't so bad at that point, but the next day...WOW!! They were all over, red and hot! He never acted like he was sick, but he looked horrible! My mom took a few picture of him while she was babysitting so I could show people at work and get their opinion.
Here's my disclaimer: Some of these images may not be suitable for younger viewers...

Don't worry, he's much better since these pictures have been taken! He only had a few little spots on his tummy left.


Emily Henion said...

Morgan got the hives once but they werent' that bad. We went to the urgent care center because she had taken amoxicillen so they gave her some benadryl and we were sent home never to have a "cillen" antibiotic again for her. Hope Charlie is feeling better :)

Janna said...

Poor little guy! I'm so glad to hear that he is doing better and that they are clearing up!

The Schreurs said...

Poor Charlie, PJ just had hives the other day too. He woke up from his nap with them. That werent as bad as what Charlie had though. We gave him some Benadryl and they went away almost within an hour. Crazy, I hope he is feeling better.