Saturday, December 13, 2008

Who poops in his sleep?

As Steve went to cover Charlie before going to bed, he noticed an interesting odor. I went in to assess the situation, and discovered Charlie has pooped in his sleep. This is something I will never understand. I thought everything kind of took a rest while you slept, but I guess not. I've never done it, but I guess it can be done. The best part about this story is that I changed his diaper so that he wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night, needing a diaper change. He slept through the whole thing!!! What?? He stirred a bit when I dropped the diaper in the diaper champ, but he just turned his head to the other side and kept sleeping!! I couldn't believe it! But I guess I'll take that instead of waking up and thinking it's play time. I just thought it was a little wierd....


Emily Henion said...

Isn't it awesome when you can change a diaper and not wake them up!

Amy said...

Lol--If it makes you feel any better Jocelyn poops so loud (even if she is sleeping) that I can hear it on the monitor. I remember the first time she pooped WITHOUT me hearing it!
Love, Coach