Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Big Thanks!

To All:

Thank you so much for all your well wishes and prayers. This last week was quite a doozy, all starting out with the best gift of all, our precious baby boy, Charlie Robert. His entrance into this world wasn't quite as we expected. We went to the hospital Sunday night, the 13th, at 8PM. We had to get some meds to get this whole fiasco started! Charlie wanted to hang out in there for a while yet, because he was already 10 days late! Contractions started around midnight and by 2AM, I was walking around, in some serious pain. He was posterior, so I had back labor. Let me tell you, that is bad!! I pray that none of my friends ever have that! Around 10AM, they broke my water, and the Pitocin was started at 11. After my water broke, they were having problems with Charlie maintaining his heartrate. It was dipping into the 50's and 60's at times. By 6PM, I was dialted to 9 and 0 station, but Charlie wasn't doing well. His heart was slowing more now, and we needed to get him out. The doctor told me that he would let me go one more hour on my own, but after that, it would be an emergency c-section. He also said that the only way he could guarentee that Charlie would be ok, and I would be ok was to do the c-section now. He mentioned that he could have a brain injury if he kinked his cord, because he wouldn't get enough oxygen. That was all he needed to say. Also, if I wanted to be awake and if Steve wanted to be in the room, we had to do it now, and not wait. We opted to go ahead. I was wheeled in the room at 7:15PM and our Charlie let out his first cry at 7:34! What an overwhelming feeling! Steve and I were finally parents! After that, they took Charlie for his first bath and to do all his vitals and daddy went with him. They got me into recovery and then to finally see my precious boy. My family and Steve's family were waiting in the room when I was wheeled back in. They were all excited to see this little miracle!

Charlie is doing great now and we are getting into a routine. He's such a good baby! Right now though, he's waking up and needing to be fed. So before he starts to scream, I better wrap it up! More later!

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