Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I'm feeling ok, just so you all know.

Yesterday, I had a procedure to clean out everything that was "left over" from the miscarriage. We had a big fiasco trying to schedule it, and get everything figured out, but after that was straightened out we were set to go. We went into the hospital at 12:45 for a 2:15 procedure time. After we got there and got registered, Steve was hungry (and how he dared tell that to the girl who had nothing to eat or drink since midnight monday I don't know!) so we went to the coffee bar so he could get something to drink till I went in. We got in pretty much right away, and taken back to a bay to get ready. I had all my vitals taken and made sure I was healthy enough to have surgery. I was....Yippee! Then the nurse came in to start my IV. OK, I hate needles! I know I work with them, but I hate being poked by them. So where does she try to start my IV? My HAND! Ouwie!! My veins are notorious for rolling and there was no difference yesterday either. She was digging in there and I was trying not to scream! Finally she stopped, and got another nurse, who specializes in IV's to come start mine. She got in right away, which I was very thankful for. After that, my OB came in to talk to me about my procedure and settle any nerves that I was feeling. She also warned us that they were about 30 minutes behind. A little bit later, the Anesthesiologist came in to talk to me about sedating me. I told him that I did not want a tube down my throat, and he said he wouldn't do that. The procedure itself only takes 10-15 minutes, so he said he would breath for me for that amount of time. He asked why and I said I had to sing on Christmas and didn't want a sore throat! I know, it's selfish, but hey, I'm the patient!! About 2:45 they came back to get me, and take me away. Right before I left, Steve asked me if I wanted to tell him the password to the online banking.

(I have always said if I die, he wouldn't know what to do, cause he doesn't even know the password to our online banking and bill pay!)

That made me feel great! Seriously, I'm not going to die! I got wheeled away and into the OR room. I don't remember much about that. I remember moving to the bed and seeing my doctor in there, and she came over and held my hand. The anesthesiologist gave my an oxygen mask and my arm started to BURN! It was the white stuff! (the stuff Michael Jackson died from!) I can't spell it, but it is good stuff. The next thing I knew, I was in the recovery room. It was a nice nap. I stayed there till about 4, then I got moved to the post surgery room and they got me something to eat and drink. They helped me get up and change so that I could go home. All in all, I was pretty happy about how it all turned out.

My doctor told me that we would have to wait probably 3-4 months before we try again, so it'll be a while till there is any sort of announcement.....


Emily Henion said...

Glad to hear prayers were answered and everything went smoothly. And that Steve didn't have to know your password :)

Anonymous said...

propofol. :o)
