Monday, April 14, 2008


Guest blogger here (Steve's sister, Janna). Fresh from the hospital!

Steve and Jennie are proud to announce the birth of Charlie Robert. He was born today at 7:34 p.m. He is 8 pounds, 9 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long. He has tons 0f dark hair! Everyone is doing well (though everyone is tired!). I'll leave any details beyond those to Jennie! Here are some pictures of the precious little guy:

The proud daddy with his new son.

Baby Charlie, 2 hours old.

Look at all that hair!

Grandpa and Grandma

He was peeking at everyone that held him!

Calling friends and family with the news.

...and one more because he's cute!


Lori said...

Congratulations Jennie & Steve!!
What a beautiful baby and all that black hair. He's already tall dark & handsome. So happy everything went well and Jennie can feel normal soon, right Jen?
God bless you all as start your parenting years.
Lori VA

Unknown said...

He is so adorable - you can call little boys adorable for a little while!! Congratulations Steve and Jennie - Little Charlie is blessed to have you as his parents!
Ruth R>